
Sat, 24th April

09:00-09:30 Welcome and opening (Jeremy, Danijel, Marc) [Plenary]
09:30-10:45 Tutorial, David Hogg [Plenary]
10:45-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:30 Tutorial, David Hogg [Plenary]
12:30-13:45 Lunch (Hombre)
13:45-14:30 first task induction & technological introduction (Marc) [Plenary]
14:30-15:30 Robot setup and preparation
15:30-15:45 Coffee + snacks
15:45-17:30 1st (fun) competition, 15 minutes performance per team + 5 minutes setup time
[competition area]
17:30-19:00 Binding tutorial (Pierre) + Q & A [Plenary]
19:00-end Dinner (Šestica)

Sun, 25th April

09:30-10:45 Tutorial, Norbert Krüger [Plenary]
10:45-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:30 Tutorial, Norbert Krüger [Plenary]
12:30-13:45 Lunch (Hombre)
13:45-15:00 Tutorial, Ron Petrick [Plenary]
15:00-15:15 Coffee
15:15-16:45 Tutorial, Ron Petrick [Plenary]
16:45-17:00 Coffee + snacks
17:00-18:30 Planning tutorial (Moritz) [Plenary]
18:30-end Walk to castle & dinner (Vodnikov hram)

Mon, 26th April

09:30-10:30 Task induction (Moritz, Marc) + Q & A [Plenary]
10:30-12:00 1st team session
12:00-12:30 another Q & A [Plenary]
12:30-13:45 Lunch (Hombre)
13:45-16:00 Hack & Test
16:00-16:30 Coffee + snacks
16:30-19:00 Hack & Test
19:00-20:30 Dinner (self-organised)
20:30-22:00 (optional) Hack & Test

Tue, 27th April

09:30-10:00 Morning Q & A [Plenary]
10:00-12:30 Hack & Test
12:30-13:45 Lunch (Hombre)
13:45-16:00 2nd competition [competition area]
16:00-19:00 Social event
19:00-20:30 Dinner (Sempre)

Wed, 28th April

09:30-10:00 Morning Q & A [Plenary]
10:00-12:30 Hack & Test
12:30-13:30 Lunch (IJS Sodexo)
13:30-16:00 Hack & Test
16:00-16:30 Coffee + snacks
16:30-19:00 Hack & Test
19:00-20:30 Dinner (self-organised)
20:30-00:00 (optional) Hack & Test

Thu, 29th April

09:30-10:00 Morning Q & A [Plenary]
10:00-12:30 Hack & Test
12:30-13:30 Lunch (IJS Sodexo)
13:30-16:00 Hack & Test
16:00-16:30 Coffee + snacks
16:30-19:00 Hack & Test
19:00-20:30 Dinner (at department, Pizza)
20:30-02:00 (optional) Hack & Test

Fri, 30th April

09:00-09:30 Setup time [competition area]
09:30-13:00 final competition (30 minutes performance + 10 minutes setup) [competition area]
13:00-14:00 Lunch (IJS Sodexo)
14:00-14:30 Award ceremony & closing
after 14:30 Leaving